Services Construction

Digital Construction Services

We digitise the entire constructive process by means of a construction Project Information Model (PIM) - by which we simulate and verify timelines - BIM 4D dimension - and the economic aspect - BIM 5D dimension - until the automatic issuing of the work in progress documents.

We create BIMs of on-site preparations - BIM 8D dimension - to simulate and virtualise safety systems and devices, increasing sharing and reducing risk profiles for the works.

We manage the entire process by means of a construction digital twin integrated into a data-sharing platform that ensures the coordinated flow of information, of BIM and of the delivery of site documents.

List of activities
  • Construction modelling of the individual disciplines
  • Simulation and verification of 4D timelines
  • BIM management of the 5D economic variants
  • Automatic issuing of work in progress documents
  • Optimisation of the construction design
  • Optimisation of site activities
  • Simulation and verification of 8D safety
  • BIM management
  • Data-sharing environment management

Our Digital Services

Facility Management
Heritage BIM